Friday, July 17, 2009


Life is finally settling in and we're getting back to "normal." That "normal" goes in quotations because for the Smallings, our life is anything but "normal." But for us, we're getting our routines and our patterns set. We're both now officially employed, Matt got his first paycheck! To my chagrin, it was only for a week's worth of work instead of two. Oh well, we should be back to our regularly scheduled money making by next Friday.

Last weekend was my official debut to the kids as SMC. They, unlike most adults, think I'm very funny. I guess part of my desire to work with kids revolves around the fact that they think I'm awesome. It's a self-preservation thing, don't judge me. I also had the privilege of meeting the SMC Consistory Board last night--excellently excellent people. It was nice to meet a group of people who are dedicated to trying all kinds of new things in order to reach all kinds of new people. THAT is what church should be about. I'm glad to be here!

Last weekend Matt and I went to Kingsfest with our MD friends Paul and Tiffany--awesome time filled with roller coasters, water rides, and awesome Christian worship music. It was a fulfillment of one of my lifetime dreams--see Switchfoot in concert. While I was standing in line right before Switchfoot was to go on stage, these two boys (middle school) behind me were wondering what was so great about Switchfoot. I wanted to turn around and explain to them what Switchfoot did for Christian music all those years ago. I wanted to tell them that Switchfoot was a part of this movement that made it okay for bands to put God in their lyrics. It's because of bands like Switchfoot, Newsboys, DC Talk, that awesome festivals like Kingsfest, Creation exist. Somehow these bands (and many others before and after) were able to bridge the gap between Christianity and Rock. I wanted to tell them that before these bands, our only options included Michael W. Smith--who, while an excellent singer and musician, is not an inter-generational artist--and others who had great music, but...may have been missing something that is so important to a teenage kid.

But, these kids were like, 10 and would not have understood a word I said. Plus, they probably would have labeled me as some "crazy old lady" because I totally lectured them at a concert. I guess as some point, you just wave your white flag of surrender and listen to "Breakfast" all the while thanking God that somebody understood you when you were 12.

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